Acting Together Has Never Been More Important

Kia ora koutou e te whānau,

Today’s Principal Matters marks the passing of Kīngi Tuheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero V11. The King was a humble man who rose to lead the Kingitanga movement on the passing of his own Mother, Kuini Dame Te Atairangikaahu. In turn, he is now succeeded by his own daughter Kuini Nga wai hono i te Po. 

As the only daughter and youngest child of Kīngi Tuheitia, Kuini Nga wai hono i te Po becomes the eighth monarch of the Kingitanga , continuing the direct line to the first Māori King. 

We express our support for the new Māori queen as she continues her father’s legacy of kotahitanga – bringing people together. Only months before his death,  Kīngi Tuheitia came to prominence with his ‘Hui a Motu’ to which 10,000 people turned up. The Hui was to unite the people against the Coalition Government’s moves to tamper with te Tiriti o Waitangi, the founding document of Aotearoa and partnership agreement between Tangata whenua Māori and Tangata Tiriti, those representing the Crown.    

Next week marks Te Wiki o te Reo Māori | Māori Language Week, with this year’s theme being ‘Ake ake ake – A forever language.’ The theme beautifully captures the adaptability and resilience of te reo Māori, highlighting its enduring importance. 

In light of this, it is especially important that we understand and address the proposed changes by the Coalition Government,  to Section 127 of the Education and Training Act. The Government is proposing to remove the obligation to give effect to te Tiriti o Waitangi – from the primary objectives of school boards. 

A recent joint statement from the National Education Leadership Partnership, which includes all peak bodies,  strongly opposes the proposal. Giving effect to te Tiriti o Waitangi is critical to ensuring the continuity of our students’ access to te reo and tikanga Māori, and having plans, policies, and local curriculum to reflect local tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, and te ao Māori. As we celebrate Māori Language Week, let’s also reaffirm our commitment to upholding Te Tiriti and advocate against any changes that could weaken our commitment.

 Have your say – Education in New Zealand

Consultation on School Boards’ Objectives and NELP Provisions

Public Consultation will now open on proposed changes to the objectives of school boards and the National Education Learning Priorities (NELP) in the Education and Training Act. 

This is a significant proposal which will shape Board priorities and our education system for the future. Your commentary on these proposals will shape the future of education, so please get involved! Changes to school board objectives and NELP provisions – Ministry of Education. Due 14th October.

Literacy and Mathematics Documents

Literacy feedback documents (0-6)  are still open. Draft English Curriculum – Open for Consultation ( You can place your feedback via the survey here. The survey is due by the 20th September. 

The consultation on Mathematics and statistics for year 0-8 has now closed. Please refer below to Pou Rua – Curriculum – to participate in a Webinar on Mathematics.

The Literacy and Mathematics documents will influence future teaching practices and the allocation of resources. Your feedback is vital to ensure that they meet the needs of both students and educators effectively. 

There has been significant media about these over the last two weeks both positive and negative. NZPF remains staunch in its position – you are the “Leaders of Teaching and Learning” in your school – you therefore determine if your staff has the capacity and capability to undertake both Mathematics and Literacy PLD and implement both in 2025. 

We know, with absolute assurance, that quality PLD is critical to implementing change effectively. We are not seeing evidence that all teachers and principals are receiving quality PLD in each of these subject areas.  To just receive the PLD does not mean that the profession is ready to implement. That is why we are calling on the Minister to slow down.


Once again, I thank the Regional Associations, each representing many hundreds of principals,  who have publicly expressed their concerns about the “Pace of Implementation”. We continue to receive statements/media releases from these Regional Groups as they host their “Term Meetings”. Keep them coming. Regional media statements sent to NZPF can be found on our NZPF website.

 NZEI and NZPF have also delivered a joint statement to the Minister and released a public statement in support of our collective members. 

On a very positive note – we are delighted that the Curriculum Voices Group (CVG) has now reconvened. The CVG comprises practitioner group representatives. The CVG will bring our professional voice to the Ministry of Education work on Curriculum – Ka pai to mahi.

Curriculum Days and Professional Learning Development (PLD)

The Secretary for Education, Iona Holsted, has now announced the Curriculum Days for 2025 for Year 0-8.  There is flexibility as to when Curriculum Days take place. In addition,  applications are now open for Cohort 2 PLD, focusing on structured approaches to literacy and te reo Māori.PLD for structured literacy and te reo matatini approaches – Ministry of Education  There are also new staffing supports and targeted resources to help accelerate learning in these areas.

A common theme has been occurring at  Regional Association Meetings I am attending. It is called  “Learning Support”. You are all giving the same message.  You all say that a substantial investment must be made to address our long (and thickening) tail of underachievement. Our gap between our highest and lowest achievers is the biggest it has ever been and is getting worse. Refer to Pou Toru’s report for more.  

Support for Structured Literacy years 0-2

Here is a link to structured literacy support for your teachers in years 0-2.   Staffing resource for structured literacy support in years 0–2 – Tāhūrangi. We will continue to highlight this as the weeks unfold. 

Programmes of support for students are now available for Years 3 to 8 and applications open on 20 September. Please read He Pitipito Kōrero/ Bulletin for School Leaders sent out yesterday for all the details. 

Teacher Supply Summit

I extend my thanks to NZEI and Te Akatea for hosting the Teacher Supply Summit. The Peak bodies in attendance spent two productive days seeking solutions and we will share these with the Ministry of Education. Not everyone will be experiencing Teacher Supply Issues but what we do know is that we have one workforce.  Eventually, we will all feel the struggle. I encourage you to support each other, and  have empathy for those who are affected the most – like our rural and remote school  colleagues.

Trans Tasman Conference 2024

For those heading to Ōtautahi for the Trans Tasman NZPF/APPA Conference, I look forward to connecting with you. Conference is a fantastic opportunity to engage with educational leaders, including well known global experts, and talk about our shared commitment to leading learning. 

As always, your voice matters. If you have concerns or thoughts about any of the updates in this newsletter, please consider writing to the Minister. It’s crucial that the Minister understands the impact changes are having on our schools and teaching programs. As always I remind you that You are Leaders of Teaching and Learning, You are the Experts and Your Kura is “ Self Managing”. NZPF stands beside you and your School Boards.

 ‘Ake ake ake – A forever language.’ 

Kia Kaha e hoa ma.

Ngā mihi,

Leanne Otene