Māngere Principals concerned at pace of change

2 September, 2024

The Māngere Principals’ Association (MPA) stands in solidarity with the New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF) in expressing deep concerns about the Government’s accelerated pace of curriculum changes and the negative rhetoric aimed at the sector which drives the change.

We believe that the pace in which change is to be implemented puts undue pressure and an unsustainable burden on schools, teachers and principals across Aotearoa New Zealand. The tight timelines set by the Government do not account for the practical challenges faced by the schools in our communities. Staffing shortages already pose a significant hurdle, and now schools are expected to undertake extensive professional development and curriculum adjustments without adequate support.

Without support for the growing needs in our learners, a new curriculum will miss the deeper issue that needs addressing. The Teaching Council also expressed this concern in May, stating, “challenges teachers face go well beyond the actual teaching strategies. Teachers are working with large numbers of children at a time and are asking for more support to manage the behaviour and wellbeing of young children who may not yet have learned to relate to others, that have suffered trauma, or who have neurodiversity, or disabilities that need specialist support. Teaching is complex, and we suggest the government also listens to teachers and the teaching profession about where resourcing can make the most difference.”

We recognise the importance of educational change to meet the needs of all ākonga however, we feel a level of discernment is required to ensure that implementation is taken through a measured approach. This is to ensure the quality and expectations of the documents are met across all areas of the curriculum and implemented at a high level in all schools.

A measured approach will:

● Include timely Professional Learning Development and the procurement of

qualified and well informed facilitators who are experts in their curriculum


● Not be rushed, but involve time for teachers and educationalists delivering the

curriculum, to gain full understanding of the structure and sequence required

in delivery.

● Be collaborative and involve the sector in advising the pathway forward. A

measured approach will include an appropriate amount of time to give

feedback from teachers at the chalk face.

● Include ensuring the curriculum stands the test of time and is not changed at

the whim of the next Minister or Government of the day.

● Include a bipartisan relationship providing a long term vision and embedded

plan over time for the growth and success of all learners.

● Ensure schools are equipped with the resources and people required to

provide equitable learning opportunities for all ākonga in every community.

We support all other Principal Associations’ in their call for the Government to reconsider the pace and approach of curriculum changes and to maintain a primary focus on providing a quality education system for all ākonga in Aotearoa New Zealand.

For further commentary please contact: 

Michelle Fepuleai
