Our Business Parners
NZPF is proud to present its business partners to you.
We have four levels of partnership which include platinum (only one at any time), gold (for whom we provide exclusivity), silver and bronze partners. We have had a close relationship with many of our business partners for more than a decade and place a high value on the loyalty those businesses have afforded us.
We undertake to continue strengthening our relationships with our partners by continuing to seek new opportunities that advantage both schools and our business partners.
Following are the names and logos of all our business partners, with links to their websites.
Becoming an NZPF Business Partner
We welcome enquiries from businesses that are interested in engaging with schools. If you would like to know how a partnership with NZPF can add value to your business, while supporting New Zealand education, please email Gavin Beere (NZPF’s Business Partner Convener), for an information package and details about NZPF.
Supporting Business Partners
One of the undertakings the NZPF gives its business partners is that at the very least, they are given the opportunity by members to quote for a service or solution. They are realists and understand all too well the marketplace so giving them a chance to keep their collective pencils sharp is appreciated all round.
Please support our business partners as their assistance is very important to NZPF and you as members.