Banking Staffing Updates

  Banking Staffing Update – August 2023

For those thinking about a Review of 2024 Provisional Staffing Entitlement

Enter year levels from the Provisional Staffing Notice into the MOE Staffing Calculator leaving the Y1 Adj blank. Remember to include any Y7 figure if a contributing school.
The result shows the total roll and the “Roll based Staffing” that it generates as at 1 March next year.
Using your SMS, generate your actual current roll by funding year level, and by rolling over those year levels including a Y7 prediction if a contributing school, enter your predicted 1 March numbers at each year level, including documented pre enrolments to 1 March next year. Again, leave the NE Adj blank.
Decide whether to apply for a review by comparing the two 1 March staffing calculator figures.
“MACS” schools – those with rolls under 176 can benefit if their own predictions for 1 March without a NE Adj puts the total roll above a multiple of 25 when compared with the provisional roll.
Formal cohort entry schools – You might find it useful to look at new entrants who were 5 this year by 1 March but may not been considered in the provisional y1 and y1 adj rolls as they did not attend school until mid March and also look at any y1 who were 5 by 1 July, but may not have been rolled over as part of next year’s y2 cohort on the provisional roll as they did not attend school until August.

Gavin Price   NZPF Life Member   027 607 6220