The New Zealand Principals’ Federation represents more than 2000 principals from the education sector.
The Federation, which was first established in 1982, provides support and a professional voice for members throughout New Zealand, also information and professional resources, as well as a number of publications and a helpline.

NZPF 2025 Subscriptions Live!

Emails detailing your school’s unique NZPF Number have been sent out.

If you are yet to receive this email but would like to subscribe, contact us at to request you school’s NZPF Number.


IMPORTANT: Be sure to check your spam for the subscription email.

If you are having issues filling out the form, this may be due to your school’s security settings. 


If you need assistance, please get in contact with us.


Subscribe Here
Who we Are

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

At the New Zealand Principals’ Federation, our vision is to be the leading voice and advocate for principals in New Zealand. We strive to drive positive change and foster excellence in educational leadership. With a clear focus on the betterment of education, we are committed to ensuring that principals have a strong professional voice and are well-supported in their vital roles.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support and empower principals across New Zealand. We achieve this by providing valuable professional development opportunities, access to essential resources, and a platform for collaboration and networking. We are dedicated to enhancing the professional standing of principals and ensuring their voices are heard at all levels of education policy and decision-making.

Help Line

The NZPF executive provides a Helpline service to all members.  When you contact the Helpline, we will arrange for an experienced colleague to contact you so you can discuss any matter causing you difficulty with someone who understands your perspective and who will be able to help you decide how best to proceed.


Grants & Awards

The following awards and grants are made annually through and by the New Zealand Principals’ Federation.

Legal Advice

Principals who pay for their own Legal Advice Support Scheme and then move school, will still own the contract and the contract moves with them.  If the owner of the contract is the board, then the cover will be for the principal in that school at that time.

Our Publication ‘Principal Matters’ is released fortnightly on Wednesdays.

Relevant information relating to the profession

Why Us

Empowering Principals, Transforming Education


    Latest Principal Matters

    The New Zealand Principals’ Federation represents 

    Principals from All Over The Country

    Total Principals


    Total students


    Current Campaigns


    Connect with Us on Facebook & Instagram

    Stay updated and engaged with the New Zealand Principals’ Federation by connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram. Our Social Media serves as a hub for our vibrant community of principals, educators, and education enthusiasts. By following us, you’ll gain access to the latest news, updates, and resources in the education sector, as well as important announcements from the NZPF.

    Cover for New Zealand Principals Federation
    New Zealand Principals Federation

    New Zealand Principals Federation

    The NZPF represents and provides support for over 2,500 NZ principals.

    NZPF 2025 Subscription link can be found in bio.

    LAST DAY FOR GRANT APPLICATIONSLast year the NZPF administered 100k worth of grant funds, and this year we would like to do the same! This is a reminder that today is the last day to apply as the Don Le Prou, Tauri Morgan and Principals’ Association grant applications all close on the 1st of March.These forms will only take a moment of your time to complete.You can find the application criteria and forms on our website below.Be sure to fill out the relevant forms and submit them to ... See MoreSee Less
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    NZPF SUBSCRIPTIONS 2025We are pleased to announce that NZPF Membership Subscriptions have now opened for 2025. Work has not stopped over the summer break as we prepare to face the challenges and opportunities of the year ahead.Here’s a snapshot of how the New Zealand Principals’ Federation can benefit you and your school. To explore these further, visit our website using the link in our bio. It is here that you will also find this year’s subscription form. Only NZ school principals, who are currently registered teachers in New Zealand, may subscribe to be NZPF members. Thank you for your support and we look forward to having you join us this year! ... See MoreSee Less
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    Empowering Principals for Success

    Discover the power of the New Zealand Principals’ Federation in empowering principals for success. Our comprehensive support and resources are designed to enhance your leadership skills, provide valuable insights, and foster professional growth. Join us and unlock your full potential as a principal, making a lasting impact on your school and community.

    Building a Strong Education Network

    Connect, collaborate, and network with a diverse community of principals across New Zealand. Join our federation to tap into a robust network of educational leaders, exchanging ideas, best practices, and innovative strategies. Together, we can build a strong education network that drives positive change, elevates the profession, and ensures every student receives the highest quality education.

    Advocating for Principals' Voices

    Be part of a collective voice that advocates for the rights and interests of principals. The New Zealand Principals’ Federation actively engages in policy discussions, representing principals at all levels to ensure their voices are heard. Join us as we shape education policies, influence decision-making, and champion the needs of principals, ultimately creating an education system that empowers both educators and students.

    Quick Access

    Submission & Position Papers

    Useful Numbers